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Going from Nothing to Something

guiding questions to help you start a new church

Download your copy below to get guidance in starting a new church.

You feel called to help start a church, but there is no church ... yet.

At one point in the journey of every church, there was no church.

No one was gathering in the name of Jesus. Nobody was sharing life and meals together. No one was serving their neighbors or sharing the gospel together. And then, mysteriously, there was something! There were people gathering to serve the community, there were people meeting in homes, and there were people gathering to worship the triune God! How did that happen, exactly? And how will it happen for you? 

One of the determining marks of successful ecclesial leaders is their ability to ask good questions.

With curiosity they listen deeply to God, to themselves, and to others in their context. They make theological sense of what they hear, and they respond faithfully, resulting in pneumatological moments that break boundaries, gather people together, and give birth to missional churches.

This eBook will hand you key questions to ask during every season of starting a church.

These questions are designed to strengthen your team, build your faith, and invite you into partnership with the Holy Spirit in your neighborhood.

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